Kentucky Psychological Science Conference Travel Details

Address & Directions

Eastern Kentucky University
521 Lancaster Ave
Richmond, KY 40475

Google Maps Directions:
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Directions provided by Eastern Kentucky University:

Attendees can park in the Lancaster Lot which is the blue lot next to #95 on the parking map. There is an accessible pedway with an elevator that will allow you to cross the street. Heavy construction is occurring on University Drive, in front of the library, but signage along the sidewalk will direct you to the main entrance. The Lancaster lot, accessible pedway, and library are all marked on the parking map below.

Click here to access EKU's campus parking map. 

Click here to access EKU's campus map.

Click here to access EKU's campus directions page.

From Cincinnati, Ohio

Take I-75 south to Lexington, I-75 / I-64 (approximately 8 miles) to I-75 / I-64 split. Continue south on I-75 Richmond / Knoxville. Travel approximately 22 miles to Richmond and depart the interstate at exit #87 (2nd Richmond exit). Make a left and cross over the interstate heading east on the Eastern bypass for one mile and you will see the main EKU campus on the left. Turn left into the Alumni Coliseum parking lot at light #6.

From Louisville, Kentucky

Take I-64 east to Lexington, I-75 / I-64 (approximately 8 miles) to I-75 / I-64 split. Continue south on I-75 Richmond / Knoxville. Travel approximately 22 miles to Richmond and depart the interstate at exit #87 (2nd Richmond exit). Make a left and cross over the interstate heading east on the Eastern bypass for one mile and you will see the main EKU campus on the left. Turn left into the Alumni Coliseum parking lot at light #6.

From Huntington, West Virginia

Take I-64 west for 104 miles to exit #96 (Fort Boonesborough S. P.) and remain on State Highway 627 until intersecting I-75 at exit #95 (will save 20 minutes of road time). Travel south on I-75 approximately 7 miles to Richmond and depart the interstate at exit #87 (2nd Richmond exit). Make a left and cross over the interstate heading east on the Eastern bypass for one mile and you will see the main EKU campus on the left. Turn left into the Alumni Coliseum parking lot at light #6.

From Lexington, Kentucky

Take I-75 south and travel approximately 22 miles to Richmond and depart the interstate at exit #87 (2nd Richmond exit). Make a left and cross over the interstate heading east on the Eastern bypass for one mile and you will see the main EKU campus on the left. Turn left into the Alumni Coliseum parking lot at light #6.

From Bowling Green, Kentucky

Take I-65 north approximately 18 miles to exit #43 (Glasgow) and travel east on the Cumberland Parkway through Somerset to exit #41 on I-75. Travel north on I-75 for approximately 48 miles departing the interstate at exit #87. Turn right at the end of the off-ramp and head east on the Eastern bypass for one mile and you will see the main EKU campus on the left. Turn left into the Alumni Coliseum parking lot at light #6.

From Knoxville, Tennessee

Take I-75 north approximately 162 miles departing the interstate at exit #87. Turn right at the end of the off-ramp and head east on the Eastern bypass for one mile and you will see the main EKU campus on the left. Turn left into the Alumni Coliseum parking lot at light #6.