Personalizing Psychotherapy, 6.0 CE
Presented by John Norcross, PhD
Friday, April 25th, 2025 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST at the University of Louisville Shelby Campus
450 N Whittington Parkway, Louisville, KY 40222 in Founders Union Building Room 218 A/B
This workshop provides integrative methods for personalizing or adapting psychological treatments to individual clients and their singular contexts. Learn to reliably assess and rapidly apply several evidence-based methods to fit the entire patient: stages of change, reactance level, coping style, and strong preferences. Such transdiagnostic matching demonstrably accelerates the process, reduces dropouts, and improves therapy outcomes. Skill level: Intermediate
Workshop Objectives
Based on the content of this workshop, attendees will be able to...
- Identify at least 3 research-supported methods to personalize treatment to the individual client.
- Apply psychotherapy to a patient’s reactance level and coping style.
- Assess reliably a client’s stage of change within one minute and tailor treatment to that stage.
- Utilize the C-NIP to assess patient strong preferences.
- Discuss the effectiveness of cultural adaptations to patient race and sexual orientations.
- Summarize the limitations of transdiagnostic matching.
About the Presenter
An internationally recognized expert on psychotherapy, John C. Norcross, Ph.D., ABPP, is Distinguished Professor and Chair of Psychology at the University of Scranton, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University, and a board-certified clinical psychologist. Author of more than 400 scholarly publications, Dr. Norcross has co-written or edited 22 books, most of them in multiple editions. Theseinclude Psychotherapy Relationships that Work, Personalizing Psychotherapy, Handbook of Psychotherapy Integration, Leaving It at the Office: Psychotherapist Self-Care, the Insider’s Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical & Counseling Psychology, and Systems of Psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical Analysis, now in its 10th edition. He also published the acclaimed self-help books, Changeology and Changing for Good (with Prochaska & DiClemente). Dr. Norcross maintained a part-time practice of clinical psychology for 35 years, but now restricts himself to training and supervision. Dr. Norcross has been elected president of the APA Division of Clinical Psychology, the APA Division of Psychotherapy, the International Society of Clinical Psychology, and the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. He has served on the Board of Directors of the National Register of Health Service Psychologists as well as on APA’s governing Council of Representatives. Dr. Norcross edited the Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session for a decade and has been on the editorial boards of a dozen journals. A Fellow of 10 professional associations, he has been honored with APA’s Distinguished Career Contributions to Education & Training Award, the Pennsylvania Professor of the Year from the Carnegie Foundation, the Rosalee Weiss Award from the American Psychological Foundation, and election to the National Academies of Practice. An engaging teacher and clinician, John has conducted workshops and lectures in 40 countries.
This workshop is appropriate for Psychologists, Social Workers, Other Mental Health Professionals

Event Location
UofL Shelby Campus Founders Union Building in room 218 A/B.
Click here for driving directions
Restaurants nearby
KPA is not providing lunch for this event - we have compiled a list below of several quick dining options within 1.5 miles from the event location:
It is important to note that APA continuing education rules require that KPA only give credit to those who attend the entire workshop. An evaluation of the workshop must be completed. Those who login more than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time or leave before the workshop is completed will not receive CE credit. Partial credit may not be given.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations made on or before Friday, April 11th, 2025, will be eligible for a 90% refund. Cancellations between April 12th, 2025 - April 19th, 2025 are eligible for a 50% refund. Cancellations made between April 20th, 2025 - April 24th, 2025 will be eligible for a 20% refund. No refunds will be available after April 24th, 2025.
All refund requests must be in writing to KPA, 8004 Lyndon Centre Way, Suite 202, Louisville, KY 40222, or by email to [email protected].
CE Credits/Attendance
This program is approved for 6.0 CE hours by the Kentucky Psychological Association.
KPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. KPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content. KPA is also an approved sponsor for the Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology.
Social Workers & Art Therapists:
KPA is an approved sponsor for the Kentucky Board of Social Work, and the Kentucky Board of Professional Art Therapists. (Provider #1004)
Pastoral Counselors:
KPA is approved to offer Continuing Education to Pastoral Counselors as stated in 201 KAR 38:070, Section 3(1)(b) as an approved KBEP provider.