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Suicide Assessment, Treatment, and Management, 6.0 CE
Friday, June 14, 2024, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM EST
Category: Virtual Continuing Education Event

Suicide Assessment, Treatment, and Management, 6.0 CE
Friday, June 14th, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM EST on Zoom
Presented by Nadia Al-DaJani, Ph.D.

Click here to register!

This 6-hour virtual presentation will broadly focus on suicide risk assessment, management, and evidence-based interventions. The presentation will begin with a basic understanding of suicide-specific concepts, including common warning signs, risk and protective factors. Then, the presentation will outline risk assessment strategies and tools. Participants will have an opportunity to practice newly acquired skills. Risk formulation will then be discussed, along with tools to manage suicide risk throughout treatment. Finally, a brief description of evidence-based interventions is provided. This workshop fulfills the KRS 210.366 requirement for suicide prevention trainingSkill level: Intermediate

Workshop Objectives 
Based on the content of this workshop, attendees will be able to...

  • Identify common clinician / therapist reactions to client suicidality and barriers to the assessment of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
  • Gain an understanding of what suicide is, who it affects, and common warning signs, risk and protective factors.
  • Learn to conduct a suicide risk assessment and assess risk level.
  • Learn to conceptualize suicide risk and document information obtained in a risk assessment.
  • Learn tools and strategies to manage suicide risk throughout treatment.
  • Gain a brief understanding of long-term, evidence-based treatments that target suicidality.

About the Presenter

Dr. Nadia Al-Dajani graduated with a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Toronto. She then completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan in the Youth Depression and Suicide Prevention Lab. Dr. Al-Dajani is currently Assistant Professor at the University of Louisville. Her research focuses on momentary risk and protective factors of suicidal thoughts, with the hopes of building an intervention that can target moment-to-moment changes in risk factors. Dr. Al-Dajani has extensive experience working with suicidal clients and research participants (typically adults) and is trained in dialectical behavior therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy.


This workshop is appropriate for Psychologists, Social Workers, and Other Mental Health Professionals.


Registrant Type Early Bird Registration 
March 11th - May 17th, 2024
General Registration 
May 18th - June 13th, 2024


$300.00 $300.00

  KPA Members 
**receive a 58% discount with early bird



KPA ECP (Years 1-2)  
& LPA Members
**receive an additional 15% discount off
member registration 



KPA ECP (Years 3-5) 
& LPP Members
**receive an additional 10% off
member registration



  KPA Student Member
  **Does not include CEs 

this rate is only available for current KPA student members.


 Click here to register!

Cancellation Policy 

Cancellations made on or before Thursday, June 13th, 2024, will be eligible for a 90% refund.  No refunds will be available after June 13th, 2024. All refund requests must be in writing to KPA, 8004 Lyndon Centre Way, Suite 202, Louisville, KY 40222, or by email to [email protected]. 

CE Credits/Attendance
It is important to note that APA continuing education rules require that KPA only give credit to those who attend the entire workshop.  An evaluation of the workshop must be completed. Those who login more than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time or leave before the workshop is completed will not receive CE credit. Partial credit may not be given.

This program is approved for 6.0 CE hours by the Kentucky Psychological Association. 

KPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. KPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content. KPA is also an approved sponsor for the Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology. 

Social Workers & Art Therapists:
KPA is an approved sponsor for the Kentucky Board of Social Work, and the Kentucky Board of Professional Art Therapists. (Provider #1004)

Pastoral Counselors: 
KPA is approved to offer Continuing Education to Pastoral Counselors as stated in 201 KAR 38:070, Section 3(1)(b) as an approved KBEP provider.