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Effective Advocacy – Making Every Voice Count!, 3.0 CE
Friday, January 31, 2025, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM EST
Category: Virtual Continuing Education Event

 Effective Advocacy – Making Every Voice Count!, 3.0 CE
Friday, January 31st, 2025 from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM EST on Zoom
Presented by Sheila Schuster, PhD 
& Kelly Taulbee

Click here to register!

Legislative advocacy – changing public policy to improve people’s lives – is important for health and mental health professionals, consumers, family members and community advocates. The legislative process - state and local - and ways to make policy change happen through advocacy will be described from the perspective of an experienced lobbyist/psychologist, policy analyst/advocate and legislators who knows Frankfort and local policy well. Questions to be addressed: “How can I make my voice be heard? Why get into the game? How can I become a player? How can I influence the outcome?” Skill Level: Beginning

Workshop Objectives

Based on the content of this workshop, attendees will be able to...

  • Describe the “inner workings” of the legislative process at both state and local levels and identify the most effective communications and approaches with legislators and other policy-makers to achieve success.
  • List the context of the upcoming 2025 Kentucky General Assembly session and the issues likely to be of primary focus, such as assuring the availability of services and supports for those with disabilities; issues of racial inequity and social justice which impact our most vulnerable Kentuckians; measures to improve the health of the Commonwealth and to assure equity in access to healthcare; and improving the mental health of our children and youth.
  • Describe various methods of educating policy-makers at both state and local levels on issues of concern, generating the advocacy arguments that advocates’ priorities suggest, and the contributions that various stakeholders can make in mounting successful advocacy campaigns and working in partnership with policy-makers.

About the Presenters 

 Sheila A. Schuster, Ph.D.is a licensed psychologist who served for many years as the Federal Advocacy Coordinator and Legislative Liaison for the KY Psychological Association. Dr. Schuster also represents a number of mental health and health care organizations in Frankfort. She currently serves as Executive Director of the Advocacy Action Network, an umbrella organization encompassing the work of the KY Mental Health Coalition, and the United 874K Disabilities Coalition. Dr. Schuster also serves as Board Chair of Kentucky Voices for Health, a statewide coalition whose mission is to improve the health of Kentuckians.




This workshop is appropriate for Psychologists, Social Workers, Other Mental Health Professionals

Registration Fees

Click here to register!
Event Location
This is a virtual event that will take place on Zoom - attendees will receive zoom details upon registration. 

It is important to note that APA continuing education rules require that KPA only give credit to those who attend the entire workshop.  An evaluation of the workshop must be completed. Those who arrive more than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time or leave before the workshop is completed will not receive CE credit. Partial credit may not be given.

Cancellation Policy
Cancellations received on/before January 30th, 2025, will receive a 90% refund.  No refunds will be available after January 30th, 2025. All refund requests must be in writing to KPA, 8004 Lyndon Centre Way, Suite 202, Louisville, KY 40222 or [email protected].

CE Credits/Attendance

This program has been approved for 3 CE credits by the Kentucky Psychological Association (KPA). 

KPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. KPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content. KPA is also an approved sponsor for the Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology. 

Social Workers & Art Therapists:
KPA is an approved sponsor for the Kentucky Board of Social Work, the Kentucky Board of Professional Art Therapists. (Provider #1004)

Pastoral Counselors: 
KPA is approved to offer Continuing Education to Pastoral Counselors as stated in 201 KAR 38:070, Section 3(1)(b) as an approved KBEP provider.